SEAM directors Emory Smith and Marci Song attended the University of Westminster's inaugural Hello Practice event, organized by the students. Practitioners were invited for a private tour of the End of the Year Show. We were thoroughly impressed by the students who gave the SEAM directors a tour and also by the other students who eagerly shared their final projects.
The presentations were engaging and authentic, offering deep insights into the studio problems they tackled through design. The event showcased impressive teamwork and effort as the students introduced each studio and explained how both the BA and Master's programs fit within the overall curriculum. It was a great learning experience about the school.
As a designer in practice, we gained a clearer understanding of the school's program, curriculum structure, and its approach towards practice and the built environment. We appreciated seeing how the students are preparing to transition from academia to their professional careers. The event gave us a better sense of how they perceive the world and the societal, cultural, and political issues that concern them. In these uncertain times, it was insightful to learn about their optimism and the stresses they face as future practitioners in architecture and related design fields.
It would be beneficial for all of the design schools to hold events like this. It is a great example of academic programs and practices coming together to support an industry that desperately needs it.
Photo credits - Ann Hawkings